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Theatre Empowerment Platform

empower your theatre with on the stage


Challenges Facing Performing Arts Leaders

At On The Stage, we know how challenging it can be to lead a performing arts organization. It's not enough to have a creative vision and commitment to bringing it to life - you must be a leader, administrator, marketer, and business leader. For too long, it's been an uphill battle to meet the challenges and requirements of theatre leadership.

But it doesn't have to be. 

On The Stage Is Here To Help

We're committed to democratizing access to high-quality tools for performing arts organizations. Our core product, the OTS Producer's Suite, delivers on that promise by making ticketing, marketing, promoting, and growing your theatre's footprint easy and effective.

In response to your needs, we added Streaming and Video-On-Demand capabilities to meet theatre's needs for flexibility during uncertain times. They serve as a way to extend your season, increase ways for patrons to consume, and increase your self-funding opportunities

But we're not stopping there.

Introducing The On The Stage Fundraising Suite

We're excited to add more features that empower theatres. Our latest release adds powerful fundraising tools to the fully-fledged virtual production suite so many theatremakers already know and love. OTS is certain our latest release will empower your ability to drive self-funding opportunities for your theatre.



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